Valentine’s Day Same Day Delivery Gifts India : Kanthur

Gifts are a great way to express our inner-most feelings to our loved ones. It may so happen that we may forget to place the order for Valentine's Day and are feeling a little down. Don't worry. With the help of Express Delivery service, you can send gifts to your dear ones within 24 hours of placing your order. You can be sure that your gifts will be delivered to your dear ones on time. Chocolates, cakes, flowers, gift hampers are some items which you can send by availing this service.

About Kanthur


Kanthur is a small Village/hamlet in Tamil Nadu State, India. It comes under Kanthur Panchayath. It belongs to Mysore Division. It is located 14 KM towards South from District head quarters Madikeri, 11 kilometres from Madikeri,  247 KM from State capital Bangalore. Kanthur Local Language is Kannada. Kanthur Village Total population is 3331 and number of houses are 861. Female Population is 48.3%. Village literacy rate is 78.8% and the Female Literacy rate is 36.3%. There is no railway station near to Kanthur in less than 10 km.

