Exslusive Thalis available on GiftstoIndia24x7 : Adalaj

On any traditional Indian festival or occasion, we give gifts to our loved ones in traditional Thalis and so we bring to you different variety of Thalis in which you can send many delectable items from our website. Surprise your loved ones with many gifts like flowers to india along with these thalis as gifts to Bangalore. Make the occasion worth celebrating for your family and friends. To know when is rakhi, you can check our website for gifting ideas.

About Adalaj


Adalaj is a census town in Gandhinagar district in the Indian state of Gujarat.
An expansive non-sectarian Trimandir inspired by Dada Bhagwan opened December 29, 2002 at Adalaj (near Ahmedabad-Kalol Highway) on the outskirts of Ahmedabad.
The Trimandir is a magnificent two storey structure with a discourse hall on the ground floor and temple on the first floor. The entire structure, with a centre shikhar height of 108 feet, is set with intricate carvings on pink sandstone.
Source :Wikipedia
